On the 9th of September we celebrated the Catalan National Day at the Casal. We were happy to see a lot of members and also new Catalans in Melbourne. We looked at the present situation in Catalonia, with special attention to the demonstration that was being held on the National Day.

The demonstration on the 11th of September was historic: it was the biggest demonstration for the independence of Catalonia. In consequence, independence is now a central issue in catalan politics and society that will stamp an impression on both the young and old for many years to come. At the Casal, as part of the Catalans leaving overseas, we need to position ourselves. Hence the letter of consultation you received a week ago. If you haven´t done it yet, we ask you to vote. The results will be transmitted, through the Representative of Catalan Clubs in Oceania and President of the Casal, Victòria Gras, to the rest of Casals around the worlds, and ultimately, to the relevant Catalan Institutions.